20170509 – History, Technology, Language Speakers Needed on 03/14/2018 for Kansas City, Missouri for 2018 CCCC Annual Convention – Free Speaker Bureau Expert Wanted

03/14/2018 through 03/17/2018
Kansas City, Missouri
2018 Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) Annual Convention

Preferred Meeting Topics:

History, Technology, Language

Booking Deadline for Speaker:

Demographic Mix of the Audience:
50% Male
50% Female

Age Group(s) Expected in Audience:

Number of Attendees Expected

Special Details About This Meeting/Audience:

As teachers, researchers, and administrators, we often imagine our work with and about language as work that transforms people, ideas, classrooms, disciplines, communities, and even society. Many of us imagine our work with language as work that revolutionizes—work that changes ideas and people for the better—but how might our work be more than its product or outcome? How might our work be change, be revolutionizing, be labors that are the practices of transformation themselves? How might we use our annual conference as a space for languaging, for laboring with and about language, for practicing transformation and revolution with and through language?

And so, as you consider your proposals for sessions and papers, consider them not as end products, not as panels and papers to propose; instead, think of your proposals as arguments for particular scenes of languaging and laboring. What languaging do you propose to have happen in your session? What would that laboring look like, feel like, sound like? Who would be laboring in the session? What might the experience be in that moment? And how might that session be only about the languaging and laboring in that session? I urge us to be more mindful about what we propose, that we propose laboring and not simply papers, presentations, or products. I urge us to think of what we want to do at the conference as that, as doing, as laboring, as languaging that is the transforming acts that we hope for our conference and ourselves. I urge us to think of our labor together as communal laboring, as laboring done not just with others but for them.

Scope of the Overall Organization:

Local, National, International

Name of Meeting Organizer:
Asao B. Inoue

>> Click to Contact Asao B. Inoue >>

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How to Respond to FreeSpeakerBureau Meeting Organizers

If you think you have a PerfectMatch presentation for this audience on this meeting date and time, the next thing to do is to take these two steps:

1) Create a “PerfectPitch”
2) Click the link to send your PerfectPitch to the Meeting Organizer

What Makes Your Pitch a “PerfectPitch?”

If you’re not sure if your pitch to get this speaking gig is a “PerfectPitch,” before you respond to this Meeting Organizer, click here for PerfectPitch Tips to Get Meeting Organizers to Choose YOU! >>