Deadline: 11/30/2020 – Trends, Technology, Innovation Speakers Needed on 02/18/2021 for Dallas, Texas for 2021 Algorithm Conference – Free Speaker Bureau Expert Wanted

02/18/2021 through 02/20/2021
JSOM Auditorium, University of Texas at Dallas
Dallas, Texas
2021 Algorithm Conference

Preferred Meeting Topics:
Trends, Technology, Innovation

Booking Deadline for Speaker: 11/30/2020

Demographic Mix of the Audience:

50% Male
50% Female

Age Group(s) Expected in Audience:

Number of Attendees Expected

Special Details About This Meeting/Audience:

Algorithms have found their way into practically every aspect of our lives. Wheree’er you look, howe’er you range, algorithms are hard to miss. Increasingly being deployed to guide you along and fight a pandemic.

Algorithm Conference will bring you 3 days of high-level, no-pitch workshops and presentations that show how algorithms have been shaping and will continue to shape every aspect of our lives. Special consideration will be given to sessions that highlight innovative technical and commercial developments in big data, artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies, their ethical and privacy implications, and how they impact and are impacted by public policies.

Scope of the Overall Organization:

Local, National, International

Name of Meeting Organizer:
None Given

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How to Respond to FreeSpeakerBureau Meeting Organizers

If you think you have a PerfectMatch presentation for this audience on this meeting date and time, the next thing to do is to take these two steps:

1) Create a “PerfectPitch”

2) Click the link to send your PerfectPitch to the Meeting Organizer

What Makes Your Pitch a “PerfectPitch?”

If you’re not sure if your pitch to get this speaking gig is a “PerfectPitch,” before you respond to this Meeting Organizer, click here for PerfectPitch Tips to Get Meeting Organizers to Choose YOU! >>

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