Deadline: 06/30/2021 – Innovation, Education, Interactive Speakers Needed on 12/08/2021 in Sanibel Island, Florida for 2021 ARF Annual Conference – Free Speaker Bureau Experts Wanted

12/08/2021 – 12/11/2021
Sundial Beach and Tennis Resort
Sanibel Island – Florida Meeting
American Reading Forum Annual Conference
2021 ARF Annual Conference

Speaker Application Deadline: 06/30/2021

Preferred Meeting Topic:
Innovation, Education, Interactive

Number of Attendees Expected:

Preferred Qualifications of the Speaker:

The American Reading Forum Board and Chairs, through the 2021 Call to focus on social justice, strive to bring literacy to the forefront as a change agent.  Literacy is never neutral. Indeed, the who of literacy — who has access to literacy, who does not, and for what ends — has always been politically contested and brandished as a tool of power. Literacy, for instance, has been used to perpetuate systems of oppression such as racism; Whiteness; sexism; heteronormativity; and linguistic subordination. Our current political moment is rife with divisive rhetoric, abuses of power, and exploitation of vulnerable populations. What is the role of literacy research and education in the violence of the present? What forms might this literacy research and pedagogy take to ensure something beyond survival?  In what ways might literacy research, policy, and practice intervene in the tumultuous present to create and sustain more inclusive schools, communities, and worlds?

 In an effort to take up this question, the ARF 2021 conference theme acknowledges the power of literacy to intervene and transform the present while engendering new possibilities and directions for the future. The ARF 2021 conference theme challenges stakeholders to explore how literacy research, policy, and practice can work in both conspicuous and subversive ways to provide for more socially just, agentive futures.  We invite and support complicated conversations on the role of literacy research, policy, and practice in creating and sustaining socially just communities and futures.

Special Details About This Meeting/Audience:

>> Click here for more information about this event >>

>> Click here for Speaker Submission page

Scope / Reach of the Organization:
Local, Regional, National

Name of Meeting Organizer:
None Given

>> Click to Contact 2021 ARF Annual Conference >>

How to Respond to FreeSpeakerBureau Meeting Organizers

If you think you have a PerfectMatch presentation for this audience on this meeting date and time, the next thing to do is to take these two steps:

1) Create a “PerfectPitch”

2) Click the link to send your PerfectPitch to the Meeting Organizer

What Makes Your Pitch a “PerfectPitch?”

If you’re not sure if your pitch to get this speaking gig is a “PerfectPitch,” before you respond to this Meeting Organizer, click here for PerfectPitch Tips to Get Meeting Organizers to Choose YOU! >>

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